k Ottoman with star base..k rahi ristikkojalalla
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-chromed star base, Sand stone-black](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647259640944-SYCPT6PFLKVK7R5S47HZ/46037_ristikkojalka_k+rahi_kitti-musta_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-chromed star base, Sand stone-white](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647259657171-BSZ6T0HH7SLBVVWURAXO/46037_ristikkojalka_k+rahi_kitti-valk_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-chromed star base, Sand white](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647259679282-RB2347Z8NNQ45ANMGHM8/46037_ristikkojalka_k+rahi_valk_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-chromed star base, Sand natural](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1675757408584-10KGVVCPQ54FEVCU9GZF/Narrow+k+Ottoman_star+base+chromed_Sand+natural.jpg)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-black star base, Sand natural](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1675757394305-KI4857UURDOAHHHL8SDX/Narrow+k+Ottoman_star+base+black_Sand+natural.jpg)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-chromed star base, Sand natural-black](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647259706280-H1PWF07KYSCCE9HXBBHM/46037_ristikkojalka_k+rahi_lv-musta_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman with matt-chromed star base, Sand black](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647262378694-ZG04HWIHQ12W4Y5NHQVR/46037_ristikkojalka_k+rahi_musta_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman and 46027 Narrow k Chair with matt-chromed star base, Sand stone-black](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647260700329-VCPOT6B7YNNTF11OUHH2/46027_46037_ristikkojalka_k+tuoli_k+rahi_kitti-musta_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman and 46027 Narrow k Chair with matt-chromed star base, Sand stone-white](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647260713805-5X90P3KB20DRJ62BAFGH/46027_46037_ristikkojalka_k+tuoli_k+rahi_kitti-valk_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman and 46027 Narrow k Chair with matt-chromed star base, Sand white](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647260731319-ZW701NB5GO9GEQ0YG8ZY/46027_46037_ristikkojalka_k+tuoli_k+rahi_valk_web.png)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman and 46027 Narrow k Chair with matt-chromed star base, Sand natural](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1675757436218-0JZAGFCLLPPYB7L9WAQU/Swivel+k+Chair_k+Ottoman_matt-chromed+star+base_Sand+natural.jpg)
![46037 Narrow k Ottoman and 46027 Narrow k Chair with matt-chromed star base, Sand black](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/56d575ab1d07c014ff47e83c/1647260747009-8B2S2EANMVG2PPQ9I3NN/46027_46037_ristikkojalka_k+tuoli_k+rahi_musta_web.png)
k Ottoman with star base..k rahi ristikkojalalla
Design Harri Koskinen
....The design of the ottoman resembles the k Chair. The k Ottoman turns the k Chair into a comfortable lounge chair but can also be used independently. The Narrow k Ottoman with star base is suitable for use together with both Narrow and Wide k Chairs with star bases. Thanks to the star base, the ottoman is easy to move. ..k rahi muuttaa k tuolin mukavaksi oleskelukalusteeksi. Kapea ristikkojalkainen rahi sopii käytettäväksi yhdessä sekä kapean että leveän ristikkojalkaisen k tuolin kanssa. Ristikkojalan ansiosta rahi on kevyesti siirreltävissä. ...
....The star base for narrow k ottomans are available in matt-chromed steel. Plywood frame on seat. Upholstery made of Sand paper yarn cotton fabric, Das upholstery fabric (50% PP, 31% PES, 19% CO) or certified leather. ..Mattakromattu ristikkojalka teräsputkesta, verhoilurunko vaneria. Päällinen Sand-paperinarupuuvillakangasta, Das-sekoitekangasta (50% PP, 31% polyesteri, 19% puuvilla) tai sertifioitua nahkaa. Sand-kangas on likaahylkivyyskäsitelty.....
Inner material..Sisusmateriaali
....Cell foam, recycled PET polyester foam and nonwoven. ..vaahtomuovi, kierrätetty PET polyesteri vanu ja kuitukangas....
....46037 Narrow Ottoman with Plate 72 x 53 x 43 cm..46037 Kapea laippajalkainen k rahi 72 x 53 x 43 cm....
Sand Upholstery Fabric..Sand-verhoilukangas
Fabric design: Ritva Puotila..Kangas: Ritva Puotila
Material: 70% paper yarn, 30% cotton..Materiaali: 70% paperinaru, 30% puuvilla
Weight: 660 g/m2 / Fabric width: 160 cm / Martindale: 50.000..Paino: 660 g/m2 / Kankaan leveys: 160 cm / Martindale: 50.000
Sand paper yarn cotton upholstery fabric is designed for furniture in the home and in public spaces. It is supplied with soil-repellent treatment. According to the smouldering cigarette and match flame tests, Sand upholstery fabric can be used in upholstered furniture of public premises. ..Sand-paperinarupuuvillaverhoilukangas on suunniteltu kodin ja julkiset tilojen huonekaluihin. Kangas on käsitelty likaahylkivyysaineella. Sand-kangas on läpäissyt savuketestin, joten sitä voi käyttää julkisten tilojen verhoilluissa huonekaluissa.
Das upholstery fabric..Das verhoilukangas
Fabric design: Crevin (Spain)..Kangas: Crevin (Espanja)
Material: 50% PP, 31% PES, 19% CO..Materiaali: 50% polypropeeni, 31% polyesteri, 19% puuvilla
Weight: 470 g/m2 / Fabric width: 140 cm / Martindale: 36.000..Paino: 470 g/m2 / Kankaan leveys: 140 cm / Martindale: 36.000
The k ottoman can be used together with the k chair with star base. ..Voit käyttää rahia yhdessä ristikkojalkaisen k tuolin kanssa.
Care instructions..Hoito-ohjeet
Instructions for maintenance of Woodnotes Sand paper yarn upholstery fabric / Woodnotes Sand-verhoilukankaan hoito-ohjeet (video)
Sand upholstery fabric care instruction / Sand-verhoilukangas hoito-ohje (pdf)