Raffaella Mangiarotti
Raffaella Mangiarotti
“....My approach is holistic and with my designs I combine sensual femininity to rational demands of the situation. ..Lähestymistapani muotoiluun on kokonaisvaltainen ja yhdistän aistillista naiseutta toimeksiannon vaatimuksiin. ....”
Raffaella Mangiarotti, born in Genova works and lives in Milan. Graduated cum laude in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano, where, she founded deepdesign with Matteo Bazzicalupo, working in industrial design for several companies, among them, Barilla, Castelli Haworth, Coca Cola, Daimler Chrysler, Fratelli Rossetti, Giorgetti Guzzini, JVC, Kimberley Clarck, Kitchen Aids, Kraft, Imetec, Mandarina Duck, Matsushita, NEC, San Lorenzo, Serralunga, Skitsch, Smeg, Turin Olympiads, Whirlpool Europe.
Raffaella Mangiarotti has received several prizes, in particular Young & Design (1996, 1997,1999, 2000), Cosmopack (1995, 1996), Esaedro (1997), ID Award (2004, 2008), Selezione Compasso d’Oro (2005), Green Dot Award (2009). Her projects are published on several magazines and books among them, The International Design Yearbook 2005, L’observatoire International de Premiere Vision, The International Design Encyclopedia of MOMA, and Design Now! (Tashen). Her Dandelion Lamp is part of the permanent design collection of MoMA in NY. In December 2009, the Triennale Design Museum of Milano dedicated a solo exhibition and a self intitled book “L’anima sensibile delle cose to deepdesign, curated by Cristina Morozzi, ed. Electa 2009.
Raffaella Mangiarotti works as design director for Serralunga company since 2011, continues working with deepdesign and researcher in Politecnico di Milano as well as independently with several projects varying from white goods to industrial furniture and limited editions.
Raffaella Mangiarotti on syntynyt Genovassa, työskentelee ja asuu Milanossa. Hän valmistui arkkitehdiksi Politecnico di Milanosta. Hän perusti deepdesign -yrityksen Matteo Bazzicalupon kanssa. Yritys tekee teollista muotoilua useille yrityksille, asiakasyrityksiä mm. Barilla, Castelli Haworth, Coca Cola, Daimler Chrysler, Fratelli Rossetti, Giorgetti Guzzini, JVC, Kimberley Clarck, Kitchen Aids, Kraft, Imetec, Mandarina Duck, Matsushita, NEC, San Lorenzo, Serralunga Skitsch, Smeg, Turin Olympiads, Whirlpool Europe.
Raffaella Mangiarotti on palkittu useilla palkinnoilla mm. Young & Design (1996, 1997, 1999, 2000), Cosmopack (1995, 1996), Esaedro (1997), ID -Award (2004, 2008), Selezione Compasso da€™Oro (2005), Green Dot Award (2009) ja hänen projektejaan on julkaistu useissa lehdissä ja kirjoissa esim. The International Design Yearbook 2005, L’ Observatoire International de Premiere Vision,The International Design Encyclopedia of MOMA ja Design Now! (Tashen). Raffaella Mangiarottin Dandelion/Voikukka valaisin on osa MoMAn pysyvää designkokoelmaa. Joulukuussa 2009 Milanon Triennale Design Museum omisti Raffaella Mangiarottille näyttelyn ja Christina Morrozzin kuratoiman deepdesign kirjan ”â € œLâ € ™ Anima sensibile delle cose”, Electa 2009.
Tällä hetkellä Raffaella Mangiarotti on suunnittelujohtajana Serralungalla, työskentelee deepdesign yrityksessään ja tutkijana Politecnico di Milanossa sekä toimii freelancerina useissa hankkeissa ja projekteissa, muotoilukenttä isoista kodinkoneista teollisiin huonekaluihin ja yksilöityihin piensarjoihin.